
1 111,7 ha

Hunting area ranking

  • according to sum of crashes: 1 / 5763
  • according to sum of crashes added by JSDI: 1447 / 5763
  • according to sum of crashes added by user: 1 / 5763
  • according to area: 3021 / 5763
  • according to length of roads: 2116 / 5763


  • Red admiral: 3 crashes
  • Small tortoiseshell: 3 crashes
  • Peacock butterfly: 5 crashes
  • Common pheasant: 4 crashes
  • Green-veined white butterfly: 12 crashes
  • Cabbage white butterfly: 3 crashes
  • European robin: 20 crashes
  • Cockchafer: 4 crashes
  • Summer Chafer: 2 crashes
  • Eurasian siskin: 1 crash
  • Bumblebee: 11 crashes
  • Fallow deer: 1 crash
  • Redwing: 1 crash
  • Fieldfare: 8 crashes
  • Burgundy snail: 3 crashes
  • Pigeon: 1 crash
  • Field vole: 3 crashes
  • Common vole: 73 crashes
  • Eurasian collared dove: 4 crashes
  • Burying beetle: 1 crash
  • Water vole: 3 crashes
  • European water vole: 4 crashes
  • Sand lizard: 24 crashes
  • Hedgehog: 61 crashes
  • Wild duck: 1 crash
  • Common buzzard: 2 crashes
  • Common carp: 1 crash
  • Grasshopper: 1 crash
  • Domestic cat: 35 crashes
  • Grey partridge: 1 crash
  • Common blackbird: 48 crashes
  • Domestic rabbit: 1 crash
  • European mole: 19 crashes
  • European pine marten: 1 crash
  • Beech marten: 11 crashes
  • European fire-bellied toad: 2 crashes
  • Domestic fowl: 1 crash
  • Stoat: 4 crashes
  • Least weasel: 4 crashes
  • Greater death's head hawkmoth: 1 crash
  • Red fox: 4 crashes
  • House mouse: 39 crashes
  • Yellow-necked mouse: 7 crashes
  • Bat: 1 crash
  • Greater mouse-eared bat: 1 crash
  • Ringlet: 2 crashes
  • Banded snail: 2 crashes
  • White-lipped snail: 1 crash
  • Eurasian blackcap: 7 crashes
  • Fritillary: 1 crash
  • Dog: 1 crash
  • Passerine: 46 crashes
  • Larentiinae moths: 1 crash
  • Mealworm beetle: 1 crash
  • Wild boar: 2 crashes
  • Tawny owl: 2 crashes
  • Common shrew: 11 crashes
  • Common toad: 22 crashes
  • Common frog: 549 crashes
  • Edible frog: 11 crashes
  • Eurasian skylark: 3 crashes
  • Slow worm: 38 crashes
  • Roe deer: 73 crashes
  • European hornet: 1 crash
  • European goldfinch: 3 crashes
  • Great spotted woodpecker: 3 crashes
  • Violet ground beetle: 1 crash
  • Great tit: 18 crashes
  • Eurasian blue tit: 3 crashes
  • European polecat: 1 crash
  • Red-backed shrike: 4 crashes
  • Grass snake: 12 crashes
  • Four-spotted chaser: 1 crash
  • Red squirrel: 15 crashes
  • Barn swallow: 2 crashes
  • Common wasp: 1 crash
  • Eurasian tree sparrow: 45 crashes
  • European otter: 1 crash
  • European hare: 32 crashes
  • Pyralid moth: 1 crash
  • unknown species: 13 crashes
  • European greenfinch: 2 crashes
  • Serinus: 1 crash
  • European serin: 21 crashes


  • Bolina (Benešov)
    • Area: 661,5 ha
    • Share: 60%
  • Řimovice (Benešov)
    • Area: 327,3 ha
    • Share: 29%
  • Vlašim (Benešov)
    • Area: 62,3 ha
    • Share: 6%

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