
3 125,7 ha

Hunting area ranking

  • according to sum of crashes: 9 / 5763
  • according to sum of crashes added by JSDI: 8 / 5763
  • according to sum of crashes added by user: 28 / 5763
  • according to area: 120 / 5763
  • according to length of roads: 569 / 5763


  • European robin: 1 crash
  • Common wood pigeon: 2 crashes
  • Cervus: 4 crashes
  • Red deer: 1 crash
  • Hedgehog: 1 crash
  • European badger: 1 crash
  • Wild duck: 2 crashes
  • Domestic cat: 2 crashes
  • Marten: 2 crashes
  • Beech marten: 2 crashes
  • Red fox: 6 crashes
  • Wild boar: 36 crashes
  • Raccoon dog: 1 crash
  • Roe deer: 118 crashes
  • Eurasian eagle-owl: 1 crash
  • European hare: 1 crash
  • unknown species: 79 crashes


  • Stráž pod Ralskem (Česká Lípa)
    • Area: 1 098,8 ha
    • Share: 35%
  • Luhov u Mimoně (Česká Lípa)
    • Area: 592,3 ha
    • Share: 19%
  • Noviny pod Ralskem (Česká Lípa)
    • Area: 582,0 ha
    • Share: 19%
  • Břevniště pod Ralskem (Česká Lípa)
    • Area: 352,2 ha
    • Share: 11%
  • Hamr na Jezeře (Česká Lípa)
    • Area: 243,9 ha
    • Share: 8%
  • Postřelná (Liberec)
    • Area: 194,9 ha
    • Share: 6%

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